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The exploits of NSA in the US in stealing digital data hacking the mobile network were well known all over the world. To ensure that only westernized people succeed online, even in India, NSA or NTRO or similar technical intelligence agency are allegedly diverting all the correspondence especially in digital format (like sms, emails) of the obc engineer to the mediocre lazy greedy westernized women who they approve. No court order or legally valid reason has been given for diverting the smses of a harmless innocent obc engineer to the lazy greedy cheater women who have exploited her for years for personal gain indicating that officials are free to abuse their powers as they wish, often for personal gain. Filing RTI requests has not helped in any way.
In the never ending exploitation of a harmless obc engineer, due to rampant casteism, corruption in India, she found that Rs 5 was deducted from her mobile phone prepaid balance when she tried to send an sms from her Air* mobile phone, The sms was not even delivered . She was already subscribing to Rs 24 SMS plan which allows more than 225+ smses to be sent free of cost every 14 days, This has happened repeatedly indicating that there is some fraud/technical error going on to reduce her balance quickly and waste her hard earned money. Her retirement savings of twenty years have already been stolen.
Does anyone else face a similar problems? In May 2015 the problem was faced and Airtel refunded the amount. However in June 2015, the problem has again started. The webmaster has subscribed to the pack from Airtel of 230 free smses for Rs 24, yet she is still being charged 25 paisa per sms
June 2015
Overcharged for SMS - Overcharged for sms Rs 0.25 charged for SMS after paying for sms pack
Overcharged for SMS - Overcharged for sms Rs 0.25 charged for SMS after paying for sms pack
SMS pack renewal proof - SMS pack renewed on June 18, 2015, Thursday
May 2015
Overcharged for SMS - Overcharged for sms not delivered, Rs 5 charged for SMS
SMS not delivered
SMS not delivered - Charged for sms not delivered, Rs 5 charged for SMS
SMS not delivered, technical error
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